Fast | Affordable | Dependable
We Make It Happen
Fast | Affordable | Dependable
We Make It Happen
At EZ Mailing, LLC, we understand that time is money.
Our goal is to provide you with the best and mostreliable service in our industry.
Quick turnaround, along with efficient, quality service puts the profit back in your pocket.
That’s what we’re all about!
Direct Mail
Data Systems
From Vision to Reality
“Four-fifths (79%) of consumers will act on direct mail immediately compared to only 45% who say they deal with email straightaway.”
Direct Marketing Association
“57% of people say they are most likely to remember a message by mail.”
Central Mailing Services, Ltd.
“Direct mail remains the largest single direct marketing expenditure. In fact, in the year 2012, “traditional offline marketing” (which includes direct mailers) was a $93.6 billion industry.”
Experian Data Quality
“A survey by the International Communications Research revealed that 73% of consumers actually prefer traditional mail over other advertising methods.”
International Communications Research
“Direct mail has a 25% response rate compared to email, which only yields a 23% response rate.”
Harvard Business Review